High Level Speakers
The ITS European Congress gathers together an impressive number of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) stakeholders from both the public and private sector, to present and profile their innovations, products, services and experience in smart mobility. This year we are excited to welcome prestigious members of this ITS Community to speak at the ITS European Congress in Lisbon.
High Level Speakers
#ITSToulouse 2022
The ITS European Congress gathers together an impressive number of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) stakeholders from both the public and private sector, to present and profile their innovations, products, services and experience in smart mobility. This year we are excited to welcome prestigious members of this ITS Community to speak at the ITS European Congress in Toulouse.
Carlos Moedas
Mayor of Lisboa
Jan Ellsberger
Vice President Industry Development
Filipe Anacoreta Correia
Vice Mayor of Lisboa
Jenny Simonsen
Chief Operating Officer (Moderator)
ITS Norway
Dr Jorge Delgado
Secretary of State for Urban Mobility
XXIII Government - Portugal
Miroslav Haltuf
Acting Chair of the States Representatives Group
Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking
Guido Lemeire
Industry Leader National Critical Infrastructure Western Europe
Stephanie Leonard
Head of Government and Regulatory Affairs (Moderator)
Miguel Pérez-Juez
Managing Director Alsa International and M&A
Torsten Klimke
Head of the Innovation and Research Unit, DG MOVE
European Commission
Lucie Kirstein
Senior Manager Strategic Projects
Acatech – National Academy of Science and Engineering
Rosalinde van der Vlies
Director of Clean Planet, DG RTD
European Commission
Riccardo Boin
McKinsey & Company
Martin Huber
Head of Traffic & Roads
BVM (Authority for Mobility Transition), Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
Joao Barros
Chief Platform Officer
Nexar/Route 25
Francisco Sánchez Pons
Electronics, ITS & Smart Mobility Director
Khaled AbdulRahman Al Awadhi
Director, Transportation Systems Department
Pearse O'Donohue
Director, Future Networks Directorate, DG CNECT
European Commission
Rikesh Shah
Open Innovation and Open Data Expert (City Summit Moderator)
PA Consulting
Prof João Caetano
Chairperson of the Board at IMT
IMT (Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes)
Marieke Martens
Director of Science Mobility (City Summit Moderator)
TNO Mobility & Built Environment
Esko Valtaoja
Professional Astronomer & Writer
Goktug Kara
Team Coordinator Transport Policy and Climate Change (City Summit Moderator)
Delegation of the European Commission to Turkey
Peter Staelens
Head of Mobility
Prof Eric Sampson CBE
Chief Rapporteur
Independent Transport Strategy Adviser
Miguel Cruz
Infraestruturas de Portugal
Teemu Heikura
Logistics Development Manager
Anne-Lise Thieblemont
Vice President
Katja Hector
Project Manager Sustainable Urban Mobility
Mercedes-Benz AG
Margriet Van Schijndel-de Nooij
Program Director Responsible Mobility (City Summit Moderator)
Smart Mobility bij Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Herald Ruijters
Acting Deputy Director-General
DG MOVE European Commission
Marit Brandtsegg
Head of Department
Norwegian Public Roads Administration
Dr Angelos Amditis
Joost Vantomme
Chief Executive Officer
Michael Schuch
Chief Executive Officer